MS exam 70-229 - SQL Server 2000 Database Design & Implementation Guide


Part 1: Introduction to MS SQL Server 2000
Part 2: Using basic T-SQL
Part 3: Database design
Part 4: Accessing and modifying data in SQL database
Part 5: Implementing stored procedures and triggers
Part 6: Working with views
Part 7: Implementing indexes
Part 8: Working with transactions and locks
Part 9: SQL Server Security
Part 10: Performance tuning
Part 11: Miscellaneous points


By far this guide is not complete. Some time ago, back in 2005, I wanted to take the exam. However, I never did. This guide needed some work and thus it was on my table for a while. Given that I could either trash the guide or release it as is, I decided it was worth it to give it away.

I have written this short preparation guide as a way for myself to ease studying for the Microsoft 70-229 exam titled: "SQL Server 2000 Database Design & Implementation". I provide this guide as is, without any guarantees, explicit or implied, as to its contents. You may use the information contained herein in your computer career, however I take no responsibility for any damages you may incur as a result of following this guide. You may use this document freely and share it with anybody as long as you provide the whole document in one piece and do not charge any money for it. If you find any mistakes, please feel free to inform me about them Tom Kitta. Legal stuff aside, let us start.

Guide version 0.1 last updated on 17/10/2005

Part 1: Introduction to MS SQL Server 2000

[1.1] SQL server components and capabilities

Part 2: Using basic T-SQL

[2.1] Using query analyzer
[2.2] Basic T-SQL

Part 3: Database design and manipulation

[3.1] Basics of database design and manipulation
[3.2] Creating and modifying databases
[3.3] Table management
[3.4] Data integrity - making sure values stored in the DB are correct

Part 4: Accessing and modifying data in SQL database

[4.1] Accessing database data
[4.2] Updating, deleting and inserting database data
[4.3] Advanced methods of accessing and modifying data in SQL server

Part 5: Implementing stored procedures and triggers

[5.1] Stored procedure basics
[5.2] Programming stored procedures
[5.3] Working with triggers

Part 6: Working with views and functions

[6.1] View basics
[6.2] Working with functions

Part 7: Implementing indexes

[7.1] Index basics
[7.2] Index administration

Part 8: Working with transactions and locks

[8.1] SQL server transaction basics
[8.2] SQL server locking

Part 9: SQL Server Security

[9.1] Security basics
[9.2] How security is implemented and administered

Part 10: Performance tuning

[10.1] Performance tuning

Part 11: Miscellaneous points

[11.1] Other interesting points